Amazing Pics was founded and is operated by Steve Millar. Steve’s drone story began when he decided to buy a drone for surveying TV aerials and satellites for his other business Digital Wise Guys. Of course, the fun aspect of it was a huge bonus as well! Being a keen photographer, this quickly led to Steve honing his Aerial Photography & Videography skills, and he soon started to consider how to turn this new passion into a business.
Since then, Steve has gained a CAA PFCO certificate through intensive training allowing him to fly drones commercially. The global drone industry is now estimated to be worth around £125 billion annually. This industry reaches into virtually every field of human endeavour, and the possibilities are endless. It can save people thousands of pounds in helicopter or plane hire since you can now hire a drone pilot for a fraction of the cost. Plus a job is completed much quicker, saving valuable time.
The benefits of drone services for your business could be huge!